सौर मंडल
Solar System


जानकारी के लिए Buttons पर क्लिक करें :-

Internal Planets External Planets

बुध [Mercury]

Moons 0
1 Day 59 Earth days
1 Year 88 Earth days
Mass 3.30 x 1023 km
Diameter 4,880 km

  • Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.

  • Water ice exists in permanently shadowed craters near the poles.

बृहस्पति [Jupiter]

Moons 79
1 Day 9.9 hours
1 Year 11.9 Earth years
Mass 1.898 x 1027 kg
Diameter 139,822 km

  • Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

  • Its atmosphere has cloud bands, fast jet streams, and intense storms.

शुक्र [Venus]

Moons 0
1 Day 243 Earth days
1 Year 225 Earth days
Mass 4.87 x 1024 kg
Diameter 12,104 km

  • Venus is often called Earth's 'sister planet' because of its similar size and composition.

  • Venus has a surface pressure about 92 times that of Earth, which pressure would crush most spacecraft within minutes.
(6) शनि

शनि [Saturn]

Moons 83
1 Day 10.7 hours
1 Year 29.5 Earth years
Mass 5.683 x 1026 kg
Diameter 116,464 km

  • Saturn's iconic rings consist of countless ice and rock particles, creating a breathtaking sight.

  • Despite its size, Saturn is less dense than water, meaning it would float in a giant bathtub.

पृथ्वी [Earth]

Moons 1
1 Day 24 hours
1 Year 365 days
Mass 5.97 x 1024 kg
Diameter 12,742 km

  • Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere is mainly the result of cyanobacteria's photosynthesis billions of years ago.

  • Earth's magnetic field shields it from harmful solar radiation, crucial for sustaining life.

अरुण [Uranus]

Moons 27
1 Day 17.2 hours
1 Year 84 Earth years
Mass 8.681 x 1025 kg
Diameter 50,724 km

  • Uranus rotates on its side with an axial tilt of about 98 degrees, unlike any other planet.

  • Uranus's blue-green color is due to methane in its atmosphere, which absorbs red light.

मंगल [Mars]

Moons 2
1 Day 24.6 hours
1 Year 687 Earth days
Mass 6.39 x 1023 kg
Diameter 6,779 km

  • Mars has the solar system's largest volcano, Olympus Mons, towering much higher than Mount Everest.

  • Mars experiences planet-wide dust storms that can last for months, obscuring its surface.

वरुण [Neptune]

Moons 14
1 Day 16.1 hours
1 Year 164.8 Earth years
Mass 1.024 x 1026 kg
Diameter 49,244 km

  • Neptune has the fastest winds in the solar system, reaching speeds up to 1,500 miles per hour.

  • Similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot, Neptune has a rotating dark storm system that mystifies scientists.